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Are You In Search Of CBD Store In Kodak Tennessee?

May 16

Brookside is in operation since 2014 and has grown since then. Brookside was founded in 2014 as one of the first CBD stores located in Kodak Tennessee. We have been able to offer top CBD products across the country. Our wide selection of organic and pure CBD oils, as well as tinctures, isolated powders, infused gummies vape pens, and more, make us among the most popular CBD stores online or within your region.

Our Mission

Brookside is committed to improving the quality of your living and offering relief from chronic pain. We have a broad selection of products , including flowers edibles and tinctures. We also provide full-spectrum CBD food items, along with high CBD-content extracts and hemp flowers. Non-CBD foods can contain small quantities of CBD however they do not offer the same benefits like hemp-based foods. This means that oils contain other cannabinoids, such as CBG.

Our Products

The CBD oils are loved by many people and used as an alternative to traditional treatments for common ailments. Our selection of CBD oils can offer the benefits of holistic health. We also carry additional wellness products, such as beauty goods such as bath and body products, pet care items and much more. Explore our website now! Our goal is to help you find exactly what you need.

View Our Product Variety

Below you will find our hemp inventory as well as various CBD products, including hemp capsules that contain 10 mg of hemp extract oil the extract comes from European Hemp plants and contains no THC. Alongside CBD oils, we provide different products, like creams and lotions that contain hemp extract. Are you in search of premium products? Consider visiting Brookside for human and pet care products, located within a short distance of Research Triangle Park along I-40 near exit 258.

Get Our Deals!

At Brookside We sell hemp-based products that promote healthy living. No matter where they are located, all of our customers come first. Our staff will be dedicated to ensure that our customers choose and utilize our products in a safe manner. Our hemp-derived products can be consumed by humans. They've been approved and certified legal by organizations like FDA and OEHHA.

Get Shopping Now!

Are you searching for CBD oil that is of top quality for a reasonable price? You'll find everything you need within our CBD products! Brookside is proud to offer our customers quality items and services. Visit us today to get awesome bargains and savings! Make use of coupon code ihhemr20 and receive 20% off your first order

Our range of products includes topicals, tinctures and other products that are suitable for use at home or on the go. We also have top-quality oils, such as medium chain triglycerides and Stearic acids. These two ingredients are believed to increase bioavailability through increasing the fat solubility of cannabinoids. In layman's terms: they increase absorption!

About Us

Our website is focused on offering you the most cutting-edge hemp-based products. CBD is one the most effective and abundant natural compounds. It is present in cannabis plants as well as numerous other plants such as hops and some fruits! It has been proven to have numerous advantages for human health like reducing inflammation, reducing anxiety, pain, and much more! Brookside is proud of the work it can do. Check out our website to learn more about how we can help make your life be the best!


If you have any concerns you have, we will be happy to assist you. If you'd like to know more, reach out to our office. We have a list of contact information for customers who are interested in CBD products and hemp-based products, even though it might be more comfortable to communicate with us by phone or via chat.

3609 Outdoor Sportsman Pl #3, Kodak, TN 37764, United States
Number +1 865-465-8066