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The Sales Funnel For Effective Online Marketing

Apr 26

For centuries, the sales funnel has been an an integral part of traditional marketing and business. I have observed that funnels designed for Internet businesses are becoming more popular.

Many people want to know more about the concept of marketing and the ways it could be utilized to enhance their online marketing strategies. Read on to learn more about the ways to utilize the sales funnel in Internet marketing.

What is the Sales Funnel?

A marketing funnel is not an actual funnel. The use of the term "funnel" for this marketing concept is simply to help visualize and explain the sales process from beginning to the conclusion. The funnel provides a clear comparison because it permits potential customers to be "Unqualified prospects" at the top and more narrow opportunities for sales conversions at the bottom.

The "unqualified prospects", also known as those who aren't competent are at the top of the funnel. These are people who may need your product or service but have never been approached before. After a series of sales calls and offers, you have reached customers who have purchased your products or services.

A lead generation funnel's effectiveness is also due to the ability to track the activities of your customers throughout the expanded sales process. The sales funnel allows you to predict the number of potential customers who will eventually become customers by determining the qualified prospects at each step.

The sales funnel lets you to identify the areas where your sales strategy is not working and where it is succeeding. It also helps you determine if your campaign isn't reaching the right customers. This information helps you choose where to put your effort to make sure that sales are on the right level and to meet marketing goals. It can be used to monitor and evaluate the sales process of your customers.

The Front- End or the Sales Funnel The top

The top of your sales funnel will be the most active area of your sales funnel and will require the most constant testing. You'll discover virtually limitless front-end strategies limited only by your creativity and resources.

The primary goal is to get new customers and convert them to buyers.

The prospective client becomes "qualified" once they opt-in or sign up for something you offer. This is the point of the sales funnel at which the prospective customer or "Unqualified prospect" is a qualified lead because they have taken actions which show they are sufficiently interested to buy your product.

Your front-end should be able to drive specific traffic to your site or blog. PPC advertisements, article marketing, banners, PPC advertisements, social media (Google+ Twitter Facebook YouTube), YouTube, banners, blog posting forums, and many other sources are among the most efficient methods and resources.

There are many ways to "qualify" an "unqualified potential customer. One of the most efficient methods is to use an online squeeze page, where you can offer something of value that is pertinent to your service or product which people can receive at no cost or at a at a significantly reduced cost in exchange for the exchange of their email address and name. The products offered vary from newsletters, video, e-mail courses, eBooks, related reports and more.

This indicates that customers are attracted to your sales channel at the front. What do you think of the back-end?


The Back-End or Bottom of The Funnel

The bottom or back end of the funnel where major sales and profits are generated. It is where you will typically find higher-priced products in this area. These would all be related to the same subject however in different formats such as video, audio or live interactions.

The primary difference between the front-end and back-end lies in the kind of customer and the cost of the product or service that is being provided.

Although it is the case that only 1 percent of the people who access the front end will be able to access your back-end, this tiny percentage may not matter. This is fine, given the fact that this particular few will be investing a much larger amount of money.

It is evident that, while front end products and services may be priced at less than $100, back-end items and services typically cost in the hundreds or thousands. This means that the bottom of the sales funnel or back-end, the main source for revenue for your Internet business. It is also the most reliable and stable area in the sales process.

As I mentioned earlier, the sales funnel can be as straightforward or complicated as your creativity or resources allow.

To learn more about how I'm preparing my content marketing strategy, look at the link below.

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